Anger was rising and i was left with no choice but to hold it in...I penned this several years ago at the office, as i tried to refocus my mind on my work and away from the hassles of that day.

The Cliff

The heat is definite
Rising from within.

Seething with rage; cloaked in sin.
Murderous thoughts swirling
Through a confusing haze.

Slowly gravitating 
To this soul's rotten maze

A clandestine whisper
Passing gently in silence.

As the fire burns higher,
The more I deny its presence.

Once patience is consumed
And reason stands doomed,
The cliff poses a threat;
I tether at is edge.

With the darkness all set
And thinking no further...

I plunge forth.

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    Short stories, anecdotes, poems, metrical tales, quips, haikus, and all sorts of original writings i have penned at work or during my own free time. Maybe in time, i would get around to making my own illustrations or computer manipulated designs for each story, but sadly i don't have the luxury of time yet. So for now, free pictures from photostock would do. 


    November 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011



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