"Me" painting in colored inks and liquid eraser. 2008

Sad to say, i've lost this painting long before i could finish it. I used to stay at the condo unit just five minutes away from my office, which i shared with my brother and two other female colleagues, when i did this. I did this as a gift to my then "boyfriend" who turned out to be a cheater, BIG TIME(How he cheated me, though it happened exactly four years ago, is still fresh in my memory. The funny thing about love is that even if the feeling has gone, the memory still lingers.). Though not my first time to handle inks, i am proud to say that this is my very first attempt to use several colored inks(plain ballpens) on colored paper. I would not really elaborate on the process, for it is my very own trade secret(I do hope you understand that every artist has one.), but depicting the outcome of this was not very easy yet exciting still.

Why was it not easy? Using colored paper affects the outcome. And being my first time to use multiple colors, the anxiousness and exhiliration was too much that i felt intoxicated as i buried myself in doing this piece. I remember adding some more details prior to losing or misplacing it when i moved back to my parents' house. I took this picture before adding those because i was so pleased with how it had turned out--and to my dismay, this picture is all i have left of my very first obra in colored inks. Oh, well, better than nothing. Though heartbreaking, this is not the first artwork i lost. In fact, i left behind a portfolio of original works dating back to my early college years inside a cab after a client presentation. I was so pooped out then that i had fallen asleep en route home. When the cab driver alerted me when we got to my house, i had totally forgotten that i brought with me my bulky portfolio and just paid and got out of the cab without even looking back. I only remembered after i had stepped inside our living room, and by then the cab had already left. 

Depressing? Yes. We're talking about a collection of various original works of mine collected within a 15 year period. But there is no use crying over spilled milk, which also applies to my then cheating boyfriend to whom this painting was supposed to be sent. Come to think of it...It could have been a sign. 

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    Original visual masterpieces in diversified mediums done with my very own trusty right hand. And yes, lest i forget, a little information about each one, too.  


    November 2011
    August 2011



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